Our Principles
Numerous intersecting, reinforcing systems of privilege and oppression perpetuate inequities and prohibit many from realizing their full potential. We strive to integrate an equity lens into everything we do. We consistently seek opportunities to develop our hearts and minds so we may contribute meaningfully to achieving a more equitable society. We engage and compensate cultural advisers to elevate and honor diverse perspectives and ensure equitable processes. We donate 2% of our gross revenue to charitable organizations.
Relying on mechanistic, linear, over-simplifications of reality undermines the social change process. We apply holistic methods to identify root causes, critique the location and distribution of power, and track patterns of system behavior to understand what drives and restrains desired change.
When groups forge strong, authentic relationships, they are better-positioned to succeed. We experience great joy in building meaningful relationships grounded in the values of trust, transparency, empathy, gratitude, and mutual respect. We show up with our whole selves and invite others to do the same. We take constructive feedback to heart, take responsibility for missteps, and take action to make things right.
Systematic inquiry grounds intuitive knowing and practice wisdom in concrete evidence. We embody the role of critical friend and thought partner by asking provocative and powerful questions and then guide deep inquiry to test assumptions, discover possibilities, and prioritize which to pursue. Our approach is bolstered by graphically-designed and easily-digestible visuals that transform ideas, prose and data into meaningful messages that stick.
Purpose-driven organizations operate in complex, emergent, and dynamic environments that require vigilant attention and constant recalibration to achieve desired change. We help groups clarify the current reality and monitor shifts as they occur. We facilitate continuous and authentic reflection on what is working and not working as strategies are retooled and refined for greater impact.