What Informs Our Work

We draw upon an eclectic and vast collection of resources, tools, and wisdom gained during our many years of education, training, and practice in evaluation and consulting. These seven ideas form the core of our approach: adaptive action, systems thinking, cross-sectoral partnerships, developmental evaluation, equity-focused inquiry, data visualization, and dialogue education.

Adaptive action

During our consultations, clients can assess what is happening, reflect upon implications, and take immediate action. Our strategic learning consultation is influenced by adaptive action tools and methods designed by the Human Systems Dynamics Institute.


Systems Thinking

We apply systems thinking to social change endeavors. Our systems thinking practice is informed by Systems Innovation.



We help diverse networks of organizations and people to catalyze systems change through collaborative strategies. Our collaborative practice is informed by Co-Creative.


developmental evaluation

Social innovators designing and executing social change initiatives are supported by Developmental Evaluation. Our evaluation approaches are inspired by Michael Quinn Patton, the founder of Developmental Evaluation and Utilization-Focused Evaluation.


Equity-Focused Inquiry

Systemic barriers, bigotry, and marginalization are woven into the fabric of American life. Our practice is informed by the Equitable Evaluation Initiative.


Data visualization

Visual content illuminates data and clarifies concepts. Our data visualization techniques are influenced by recommendations made and checklists designed by Stephanie Evergreen.


Dialogue Education

We use interactive, dialogue-based, hands-on involvement rooted in personal experiences. Our workshops are inspired by Jane Vella, the founder of Dialogue Education, and influenced by strategies taught by Global Learning Partners.